OK guys….with two weeks to go, I really really think that this is the final post for posters for The Dark Knight Rises.

In IMAX’s continuing line of exclusive 12:01am release posters, they revealed today that they will be giving attendees a free print at the midnight IMAX shows for Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film.

Honestly, I feel like this is one of the best posters for the film yet, with the angelic bat symbol in the sky and the hellish city below, and it certainly makes me wonder if the designers are trying to hint towards Bruce Wayne’s fate in the film. Perhaps, or they just want you to think that way.

Either way, this is an awesome poster, and it’s enough where I’m regretting getting tickets for the standard digital projection showing instead of the IMAX.  But I think I need another poster for my wall like I need a hole in my head.

The Dark Knight Rises hits theaters on July 20th, 2012.