Way way back when, it used to be that all of the innovations of the world were premiered at World's Fairs.

I’m not really sure when the shift came from these fairs to individual Expos, but in Iron Man 2 we’re going to get a taste of what was, and how it would be today with the 2010 version of the Stark Expo.

To give viewers some footing into the fictional world, the marketing team behind the latest shellhead flick has decided to create a fake website promoting the Stark Expo, complete with commercials and galleries for “this year’s” expo.

If that wasn’t enough, the site also gives a look back to Stark Expo 1974, including an old-timey style TV commercial.  What makes this commercial really special is that it’s our first glimpse at Mad Men’s John Slattery as Howard Stark, Tony’s father.

Click through below to check it out! …and be quickly annoyed by the bombastic music embedded into the website.

Source:  Stark Expo 2010 : Better Living Through Technology.