Imagine if you will, the following comedy:

Features Jonah Hill, right after his turn in the way-better-than-it-should-have-been 21 Jump Street. It has the first team up of Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn since Dodgeball. And it’s the first big American starring role of The IT Crowd’s Richard Ayode.

Oh, and it kinda steals the plot of Attack the Block, albeit in a way more affluent neighborhood.

Got a mental image? Now here’s the red band trailer for 20th Century Fox’s big summer comedy, The Watch.

Why does this look so awful? Is it the non stop cock gags? The fowl language just to have fowl language? Maybe a good movie is in the midst here, but I didn’t even crack a chuckle.

We’ll see if a good comedy arrives when The Watch hits theaters on July 27th, 2012, one week after The Dark Knight Rises (good luck, guys.)