After the release of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, some way, some how, a Deadpool movie was greenlit.

While I love the merc-with-a-mouth, I think it’s safe to say that the Deadpool we saw there was NOT the Deadpool we comic fans know and love.

Well, rest somewhat assured, as Ryan Reynolds, who is scheduled to reprise his role as the red-masked assassin, is doing his best to ensure that the movie meets up to the fan’s standards.

Here’s what he had to say on the project:

Well, I'm intimately involved with it. We're just trying to break a story right now and figure out who the villain is going to be and all that stuff. But, it's going to be just like the comic books. I'm gonna have a messed up face and you may see some flashbacks of Wade earlier in his life, but primarily what you see is what you get in the comics and that's the goal. And there is no better place to draw material from then the comics which are incredible.
I must admit, I enjoyed Reynolds as Deadpool in the opening sequences of the film, so let's all hope he isn't blowing smoke, and this movie rocks as hard as we nerds know it can.

Original Post: Ryan Reynolds Makes Deadpool Promises - Cinematical.