With less than two months until it’s release, the nerds are getting all a flutter over Jim Cameron’s 3D CGI opus Avatar.

Sure, we had the teaser trailer, we had the “Avatar Day” extravaganza, and then there were literally MONTHS of arguing across the web. But as embedded above, the second, full length trailer has hit the web thanks to…uh…some country other than the US (hense the subtitles).

Honestly, I sat through the Avatar Day screening, and this drastically shorter trailer has sold me on the project in a far greater way than that footage did.

Sure, the plot is basically Dances With Wolves lite, but it’s framed through the eyes of one of the greatest sci-fi directors of our time. And I have to admit, robot suits versus dragons gives me a giant raging nerd boner.

I had a feeling this would happen, but I’m pretty happy to say…

Avatar - I’m Sold!

See you in theaters December 18th.

EDIT: @4:15pm - Look! Yahoo! gave us the English version!

Original Post: Watch the Second Avatar Trailer — Without the Blur - Avatar - io9.